RSS feed directory: Home / Computer, Blogs, Hardware, Software, Internet / Software

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Application Sales & Development: The Progress 4GL at Work

Follow one Senior Consultant with extensive experience in software development and consulting, including Fortune 100 clients, and a specialist in the high productivity, short development time application business, as he shares real-world stories and case studies from the field of developing, selling, and maintaining applications that just work.
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Bobsguide Product List: Data Warehousing Systems

Data Warehousing solutions and systems related to data warehousing and repository. Browse our collection of data warehousing solution vendors who provide data warehousing solutions software to assist your company with its data storage needs.
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Bobsguide Product List: Structured Finance Solutions

Software, systems and tools focused on converting different cash flows into securitized financial instruments such as asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities (MBS), collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and others.
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Campaign marketing software

When you use the Net-Results platform, it combines the functionality of your existing email service with the intelligence of your analytics/visitor tracking. Add in the convenience of a centralized lead database, and Net-Results is simply the easiest way to realize the benefits of marketing automation, hands down.
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Comments on: Fixed Monospace Sizing

Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture, politics, personal observations, and other miscellaneous stuff
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ComputerWeekly: Enterprise software

Enterprise software covers a range of vital IT management decisions, from operating systems to databases, business applications to middleware. We examine the trends to help IT managers make the right choices.
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Cyber Tech Help Latest Downloads

Cyber Tech Help provides a comprehensive source of free, and shareware software. Includes antispyware programs, bootdisks, Internet and networking software, applications for home users, developers, and business users.
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Francisco Figueiredo Jr Activities

I'm a software engineer and creator of Npgsql. Here you will find info about me and the development projects I work on If you liked this blog, you should follow me on twitter or on Google+
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Global Visibility Software

Precision Software delivers integrated global logistics and visibility solutions to importers, exporters, 3rd party logistics providers and services companies as they move their goods throughout the organization and around the world.
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Offshore Outsourcing Entry Strategies for India

Follow the Founding Partner & Principal Consultant for a global services company with a strong background in various management roles, including business development, marketing, customer service, operations, and software development, as he shares best practices and outlines valuable strategies for entering the Indian offshore outsourcing market.
HomepageVorschau nur TextVorschau mit Bilder | TOP Digital Downloads & Discount Software Coupons

Best-selling eBooks, How-To Guides, Tips & Tricks, Training, Education, Tutorials, Digital Downloads and software discount coupon codes..
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RSS feed directory: Computer, Blogs, Hardware, Software, Internet / Software