Presents International Visual and Performing Arts - Seite 42 

Nutt, William
Original stone sculpture by a Vermont artist working in marble, limestone and dolomite featuring both abstract and representational carvings. Sculpture includes many marine themed and animal pieces which range from intricate small reliefs to large in-the-r...
Sentimental paintings inspired by the colors of the world. Still life, birds, landscapes, floral, also abstracts, watercolor, oil, acrylics. Paintings from the heart...
Laurentiu, Dimisca
Unreeling retrospectivly and bibliographicly the steps of the young living artist, Laurenţiu Dimişcă, I find an ambiguous-construction step on route, of course of his 5 years of faculty. „Jurnal” became a sequel of the tangible projects from...
Bijon, Thomas
Digital Art by Thomas Bijon: digital paintings the art of painting with photos. Digital art in contemporary art. Digital art in the way of techno-romanticism.
Nikolaev, Lira
Lira was born in Russia near the Black Sea, where an accomplished artist privately tutored her for several years. Before immigrating to the United States, she traveled to Rome and Vienna where she was inspired to paint from many of the great masters. Her f...
Pollister, Larry
Abstract painting and collage.
Cartoonn Packs
Cartoon Packs Stock Illustration offers high quality royalty-free stock illustrations to designers.
Brando, Barbara Ann
Genres: Native, African, Religious Painting: Abstractism, Expressionism, Figurative Impressionism: Portrait Realism Photography: Documentary, Photo Journalism All Artwork on this page are the sole property and have been Copyright by Barbara Ann Brando...
We offer high quality oil painting reproductions and portraits on canvas from artists such as van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Vermeer and many others at very affordable prices.
Reddy, Peter
Limited edition fine art giclees
Sandor, Beate
July 22, 1964 - born in Hungary 1978-1982 Study at the the High School of Fine and Applied Arts, Budapest 1981 State Prize of Photography, Hungary 1987-1991 Study at the Austrian Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna 1988 Fellowship by the Soros Foundation...
Shvachka, Ronya
Photoshop art and photography by an artist from Israel.
Pointier, Agnex
The artist Agnex Agnes Pointier creates rich and colourful abstract pictures which express what can only be represented as emotions of abstract feelings.
Art Criminals
Art Criminals conceptualises, produces and sells inspiring and innovating art. Translating images to positive emotions and vice versa, that’s our real strength. With our unique style, art criminalism, we create pop art styled masterpieces on request. We ar...
Peretz, Rafi
Early naive artworks by Raphael Perez.
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